The Mexican
In this 2001 film directed by Gore Verbinski, Brad Pitt stars as Jerry Welbach, a hapless man caught between his girlfriend Samantha, played by Julia Roberts, and his obligation to a mob boss. Tasked with retrieving a legendary antique pistol known as “The Mexican,” Jerry embarks on a chaotic journey through Mexico, encountering a series of misadventures and colorful characters. The film blends elements of comedy, romance, and crime, showcasing the chemistry between its lead actors. While it did not receive any major awards, it remains notable for its unique blend of genres and the star power of its cast. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Romance
Director: Gore Verbinski
Actors: Bob Balaban, Brad Pitt, Castulo Guerra, David Krumholtz, Gene Hackman, J.K. Simmons, James Gandolfini, Julia Roberts, Michael Cerveris, Richard Coca
Country: Mexico, United States of America
Company: DreamWorks Pictures, Lawrence Bender Productions, Newmarket Capital Group
Worldwide Gross: $147,845,033