In this intricate drama directed by Kenneth Lonergan, a young woman named Lisa Cohen, played by Anna Paquin, finds her life upended after witnessing a tragic bus accident in New York City. As she grapples with guilt and the complexities of adult responsibility, the film delves into themes of morality and the search for justice. The ensemble cast includes notable performances by Mark Ruffalo and Matt Damon, adding depth to the narrative. Despite its initial limited release, the film has garnered a cult following for its nuanced storytelling and character development. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Kenneth Lonergan
Actors: Allison Janney, Anna Paquin, Cyrus Hernstadt, J. Smith-Cameron, Jean Reno, Jeannie Berlin, John Gallagher Jr., Kieran Culkin, Mark Ruffalo, Matt Damon
Country: United States of America
Company: Camelot Pictures, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Gilbert Films, Searchlight Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $469,264