Treasure Guards
In this 2011 adventure film directed by Iain B. MacDonald, a team of archaeologists embarks on a thrilling quest to uncover a legendary artifact hidden in the Middle East. The story follows Victoria Carter, played by Anna Friel, as she partners with a mysterious treasure hunter, Angelo, portrayed by Raoul Bova, to solve ancient riddles and navigate dangerous terrain. The film combines elements of action and mystery, with a backdrop of historical intrigue. While it did not receive any notable awards, it offers an engaging narrative for fans of the genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Iain B. MacDonald
Actors: André Jacobs, Anna Friel, David Sherwood, Florentine Lahme, Raoul Bova, Volker Bruch
Country: Germany
Company: Film Afrika Worldwide, ProSieben, Tandem Communications