REPARATION is an intense psychological thriller that spirals around Bob Stevens, a farmer from a small town who has a three-year gap in his memory. His tranquil life starts to fall apart when Jerome, a mysterious man claiming to have been his close friend in the Air Force Police, arrives. The disruption affects Bob’s entire family, especially his eight-year-old daughter, Charlotte, who realizes she might be the key to unlocking Bob’s lost memories. As Charlotte discovers, “every time something happens that throws us off balance, we try to do something to regain it…” This universal quest for balance is at the heart of REPARATION.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Kyle Ham
Actors: Drew Powell, Jon Huertas, Keith Szarabajka, Marc Menchaca, Virginia Newcomb
Country: United States of America
Company: Red Dirt Pictures, Reparation Films
Worldwide Gross: $22,267