Getting Schooled
In this 2017 film directed by Chuck Norfolk, a group of high school students finds themselves in a tense and unexpected situation when their detention takes a dark turn. Set in the 1980s, the movie combines elements of horror and comedy as the students must navigate a series of bizarre and dangerous events. The cast includes Tom Long and Mayra Leal, who bring the quirky characters to life. While the film did not receive any major awards, it offers a nostalgic nod to classic teen movies with a twist. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Chuck Norfolk
Actors: Jake Byrd, Mayra Leal, Morgan Tyler, Nick W. Nicholson, Paula Marcenaro Solinger, Ron Jeremy, Ronald Ruiz, Susan Ly, Tom Long
Country: United States of America
Company: Lucky Chucky Productions