If Cats Disappeared From the World
In this poignant Japanese drama directed by Akira Nagai, a young postman grapples with his mortality after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. As he contemplates his life, he encounters a mysterious figure who offers him a chance to extend his life by making things disappear from the world, one by one. The film stars Takeru Satoh and Aoi Miyazaki, who deliver compelling performances that explore themes of love, loss, and the value of human connections. This introspective narrative invites viewers to reflect on what truly matters in life. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Akira Nagai
Actors: Anna Ishii, Aoi Miyazaki, Eiji Okuda, Eita Okuno, Gaku Hamada, Mieko Harada, Takeru Satoh
Country: Japan
Company: TOHO, Toho Company, Toho Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $10,284,664