Set in an ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem, this film follows the life of Haim-Aaron, a devout Yeshiva student who experiences a near-death experience that profoundly alters his perception of faith and existence. As he grapples with his spiritual crisis, his father becomes increasingly concerned about the changes in his son’s behavior. Directed by Avishai Sivan, the film is noted for its stark black-and-white cinematography and its exploration of existential themes. It was awarded the Silver Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Avishai Sivan
Actors: Aharon Traitel, Gur Sheinberg, Khalifa Natour, Omri Fuhrer, Riki Blich
Country: Israel
Company: Plan B Productions, The Mouth Agape, United King Films
Worldwide Gross: $13,671