Miss India America
In this 2016 comedy-drama, directed by Ravi Kapoor, the story follows Lily Prasad, a driven and ambitious young woman who sets her sights on winning a beauty pageant to prove her worth and fulfill her late father’s dream. The film explores themes of cultural identity, ambition, and the pressures of familial expectations, all wrapped in a humorous and heartfelt narrative. Tiya Sircar stars as Lily, delivering a compelling performance that captures the character’s determination and complexity. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Ravi Kapoor
Actors: Anushka Rani, Bernard White, Cas Anvar, Hannah Simone, Kosha Patel, Meera Simhan, Sameera Eligeti, Satya Bhabha, Tiya Sircar
Country: United States of America
Company: Mr. Kicks and Lady Megs, Simhan and Kapoor
Worldwide Gross: $1,598