VeggieTales: Beauty and the Beet
In this animated musical adventure, the beloved VeggieTales characters embark on a journey that explores themes of kindness and forgiveness. The story follows Mirabelle, a talented young singer, and her family band as they encounter a grumpy hotel manager who challenges their patience and compassion. With catchy songs and vibrant animation, the film delivers a heartwarming message suitable for all ages. The movie features the voice talents of Kellie Pickler and is directed by Tom Owens. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Tom Owens
Actors: J. Chris Wall, Jim Poole, Kellie Pickler, Marin Miller, Megan Murphy, Mike Nawrocki, Phil Vischer, Rob Paulsen
Company: Big Idea Entertainment, DreamWorks Animation, Huhu Studios