In a dystopian future, humanity struggles for survival against a technologically advanced alien species that has taken over Earth. The film follows a group of resistance fighters as they attempt to reclaim their planet and fight back against their oppressors. Sigourney Weaver stars in this intense sci-fi short, bringing her iconic presence to the battle for humanity’s future. Directed by Neill Blomkamp, known for his work on “District 9,” the film showcases his signature style of blending gritty realism with high-concept science fiction. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Short
Director: Neill Blomkamp
Actors: Alec Gillis, Brandon Auret, Carly Pope, Eugene Khumbanyiwa, Jay Anstey, Michael Huff, Robert Hobbs, Sigourney Weaver
Country: Canada
Company: Oats Studios