Red Ash: Magicicada
In a futuristic society, individuals known as the “Nanorace” possess nanomachines in their genes that endow them with unique abilities, yet they face control and discrimination from the “Purerace,” who are ordinary humans. Beck, a famed hunter with the “Red Ash” power, seeks a surgical transformation to join the Purerace. Accompanied by Tyger, a large but gentle mechanic, they navigate the skies in their parallel machine, taking on perilous tasks. Their journey takes an unexpected turn when they encounter Call, a girl being chased by the pair Safari and Stripe. Together, Call, Beck, and Tyger venture to the clockwork world. However, Safari, Stripe, and their leader Deny relentlessly pursue Call, eventually positioning themselves to launch an attack on Beck and his companions.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Animation, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Short
Director: Yuta Sano
Actors: Fumiko Uchimura, Masanori Takeda, Norito Abe, Rikumi Moriwaki, Yohei Hamada, Youhei Hamada, Yûki Kaji
Country: Japan
Company: Studio 4°C