In this 2017 film directed by Milko Davis, a small town faces an unprecedented disaster when a swarm of giant, aggressive bees is unleashed by a massive tsunami. As chaos ensues, a group of survivors must band together to navigate the dual threats of nature and the monstrous insects. The film features performances by Stacy Pederson and Ruselis Aumeen Perry, who bring to life the struggle for survival in this unique blend of disaster and creature feature genres. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the film’s intriguing premise offers a fresh take on the disaster movie formula. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Milko Davis, Thomas Martwick
Actors: Cherith Steininger, Kim Green, Maria DeCoste, Melanie Mahaffey, Michelle Mras, Ruselis Aumeen Perry, Shale Le Page, Stacy Pederson, Tearra Dillion, Thea Saccoliti
Country: United States of America