Barbie the Princess and the Popstar
In this animated musical adventure, two young girls, a princess and a popstar, discover they share a striking resemblance and decide to switch places. As they experience each other’s lives, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, responsibility, and staying true to oneself. Directed by Ezekiel Norton, the film features vibrant animation and catchy songs that appeal to its young audience. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it remains a beloved entry in the Barbie film series. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Family, Musical
Director: Ezekiel Norton, Philip D. Fehrle
Actors: Allison Warnyca, Ashleigh Ball, Ashlyn Drummond, Christopher Gaze, Ellie King, Jennifer Waris, Kelly Sheridan, Lauren Lavoie, Peter Kelamis, Tiffany Giardina
Country: United States of America
Company: Big Idea Productions, Grace & Wild Studios Inc., Gullane Entertainment, Mattel Entertainment, Mattel Inc., Rainmaker Entertainment