Recep Ivedik
In this 2008 Turkish comedy, the story follows a boisterous and uncouth man who embarks on a journey to return a lost wallet to its rightful owner, leading to a series of humorous and chaotic events. The film stars Şahan Gökbakar, who delivers a memorable performance as the titular character, bringing to life his larger-than-life personality. Directed by Togan Gökbakar, the movie is known for its slapstick humor and has become a cultural phenomenon in Turkey. While it did not receive any major awards, it has garnered a significant fan base. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Togan Gökbakar
Actors: Fatma Toptaş, Hakan Akın, Hakan Bilgin, İsmail Hakkı, İsmail Hakkı Ürün, Lemi Filozof, Şahan Gökbakar, Somer Karvan, Tuluğ Çizgen, Volkan Cal, Vural Buldu
Country: Turkey
Company: Aksoy Film, Özen Film
Worldwide Gross: $28,548,025