In this post-apocalyptic western tale, Alexander Dante has spent the last decade in isolation after being responsible for the death of his cherished brother, Edwin. One day, he is shocked to receive a letter claiming to be from Edwin, who supposedly resides in a remote village marked on an accompanying map. Initially, Alexander dismisses the letter as a prank, but something about it feels genuine. He embarks on a journey through a harsh and unforgiving landscape, eventually arriving at a peaceful village. There, he is astonished to encounter the unthinkable: his brother is alive and well. Although overjoyed to reunite with Edwin, Alexander is haunted by the knowledge that he had killed him. Now, he must uncover the truth, regardless of the consequences.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Western
Director: Phil Gorn
Actors: Burton Perez, Greg Maness, Jason London, Jeremy London, Lee Perkins, Masiela Lusha, Matt Thompson, Sean Riggs, Susan Duerden, Tess Kartel
Country: United States of America
Company: Wonderphil Entertainment