Jeepers Creepers 3
Set between the events of the first and second installments, this horror film follows a group of hunters and law enforcement officers as they attempt to stop a monstrous creature that resurfaces every 23 years to feed. The narrative delves into the creature’s origins and its terrifying capabilities, adding depth to the franchise’s mythology. Directed by Victor Salva, the movie features performances by Jonathan Breck and Meg Foster. While it did not receive any notable awards, it offers a continuation of the chilling saga for fans of the series. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Victor Salva
Actors: Brandon Smith, Chester Rushing, Gabrielle Haugh, Jason Bayle, Jonathan Breck, Jordan Salloum, Joyce Giraud, Meg Foster, Ryan Moore, Stan Shaw
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Ansgar Media, Infinity Films, Village Studios
Worldwide Gross: $4,017,852