Escape from Cannibal Farm
In the serene British countryside, the Harver family embarks on a perfect summer camping getaway, hoping to resolve old conflicts and strengthen their family ties. However, their peaceful retreat is disrupted when an unknown assailant sabotages their campsite during the night. Seeking assistance, they venture to a nearby eerie, ancient farm, only to encounter the sinister farmer Hunt Hansen and his grotesquely disfigured son, who have a gruesome agenda that doesn’t involve livestock. Imprisoned and facing the horrifying prospect of being dismembered, cooked, and consumed piece by piece, the Harver family must set aside their differences and work together to survive and escape.
Views: 1
Genre: Horror
Director: Charlie Steeds
Actors: Barrington De La Roche, David Lenik, Kate Davies-Speak, Peter Cogrove
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Dark Temple Motion Pictures