Love Like Poison
In this poignant coming-of-age drama directed by Katell Quillévéré, a young girl named Anna navigates the complexities of adolescence amidst the backdrop of her family’s crumbling dynamics and her own spiritual awakening. As she returns home from boarding school, Anna grapples with her burgeoning sexuality and the strained relationship between her parents, all while preparing for her confirmation in the Catholic Church. The film delicately explores themes of faith, love, and identity, capturing the nuanced struggles of its protagonist. Notably, the film was well-received for its sensitive portrayal of adolescence and its evocative cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Katell Quillévéré
Actors: Catherine Riaux, Clara Augarde, François Bernard, Françoise Navarro, Lio, Michel Galabru, Philippe Duclos, Stefano Cassetti, Thierry Neuvic, Youen Leboulanger-Gourvil
Country: France
Company: Arte France Cinéma, Canal+, Les Films du Bélier
Worldwide Gross: $88,154