Looking Glass
In this intense psychological thriller, a couple seeking a fresh start purchases an old motel in the desert. Initially appearing as a getaway, their new venture quickly spirals into a suspenseful journey through an enigmatic realm. Ray stumbles upon a two-way mirror and becomes an unwilling witness to a chilling murder. Caught in a sinister game of cat and mouse, Ray must urgently protect his wife and himself from a dark secret tied to the motel and its peculiar visitors.
Views: 3
Director: Tim Hunter
Actors: Barry Jay Minoff, Bill Bolender, Ernie Lively, Jacque Gray, Jason K Wixom, Kassia Conway, Marc Blucas, Nicolas Cage, Robin Tunney, Sila Agavale
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: DTLV Cinema Society, Goldfinch Australia, Highland Film Group (HFG)
Worldwide Gross: $76,788