Set in the Basque Country during the 19th century, this film follows the story of two brothers, Martin and Joaquín, as they navigate the challenges brought on by Joaquín’s extraordinary growth spurt, which earns him the nickname “The Giant of Altzo.” The film explores themes of family, exploitation, and the societal fascination with physical anomalies. Directed by Aitor Arregi and Jon Garaño, it features standout performances by actors such as Ramón Agirre and Eneko Sagardoy. The film received critical acclaim and won several awards, including ten Goya Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Aitor Arregi, Jon Garaño
Actors: Aia Kruse, Eneko Sagardoy, Iñigo Azpitarte, Joseba Usabiaga, Ramon Agirre
Country: Spain
Company: Aundiya Film, Irusoin, Kowalski Films
Worldwide Gross: $860,750