In this stop-motion animated film directed by Tatia Rosenthal, the narrative unfolds in a Sydney apartment complex where various residents grapple with existential questions and the search for meaning in their lives. The story is interwoven with surreal elements and dark humor, exploring themes of loneliness, love, and the human condition. The film features the voice talents of Geoffrey Rush and Anthony LaPaglia, adding depth to its unique storytelling. While it did not receive major awards, it is noted for its distinctive animation style and philosophical undertones. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Drama, Fantasy
Director: Tatia Rosenthal
Actors: Anthony LaPaglia, Barry Otto, Ben Mendelsohn, Claudia Karvan, David Field, Geoffrey Rush, Joel Edgerton, Leeanna Walsman, Samuel Johnson, Tom Budge
Company: Australian Film Finance Corporation (AFFC), Lama Films
Worldwide Gross: $708,354