7 Years
In Jean-Pascal Hattu’s intricately crafted character exploration, a dedicated young woman finds herself caught in a complex web of desire and deceit. This intensely realistic psychosexual drama showcases a fresh and distinct voice from a talented emerging director, marked by its piercing emotional authenticity. The story unfolds as Maite’s husband, Vincent, is revealed to be serving time in prison for an undisclosed offense. Maite has vowed to remain faithful, tending to his laundry during his imprisonment, though not fulfilling his marital needs. During one of her routine visits, she encounters Jean, a prison warden with a curious nature and a daringly flirtatious demeanor. The two soon embark on a bleak affair. Jean, seemingly captivated by Maite, shows his affection by easing Vincent’s prison experience; the two men develop a friendship, even sharing some suggestive conversations in the showers. —Robert O’Shaughnessy
Views: 5
Genre: Drama
Director: Jean-Pascal Hattu
Actors: Arnaud Toussaint, Bruno Todeschini, Cyril Troley, Nadia Kaci, Pablo de la Torre, Valérie Donzelli
Country: France
Company: Les Films du Bélier, Région Auvergne, Région Limousin
Worldwide Gross: $67,405