5ive Girls
In this supernatural horror film directed by Warren P. Sonoda, a group of five young women with unique abilities are sent to a strict Catholic boarding school, where they must confront a malevolent force that lurks within its walls. The movie stars Ron Perlman, known for his roles in “Hellboy” and “Sons of Anarchy,” adding a notable presence to the cast. As the girls uncover the dark secrets of the school, they must rely on their powers and each other to survive. This chilling tale of mystery and suspense can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Warren P. Sonoda
Actors: Amy Lalonde, Barbara Mamabolo, James Kidnie, Jennifer Miller, Jordan Madley, Krysta Carter, Richard Alan Campbell, Ron Perlman, Tasha Quintas, Terra Vnesa
Country: Canada