4:44 Last Day on Earth
In this contemplative drama directed by Abel Ferrara, the narrative unfolds over the course of a single day, focusing on a couple, played by Willem Dafoe and Shanyn Leigh, as they grapple with the impending end of the world. Set in New York City, the film explores themes of love, regret, and acceptance as the characters confront their past and present relationships in the face of an unavoidable apocalypse. The film is notable for its intimate portrayal of human emotions and the existential questions it raises. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Abel Ferrara
Actors: Bojana Vasik, Francis Kuipers, Justin Restivo, Pat Kiernan, Selena Mars, Shanyn Leigh, Toni Redman, Triana Jackson, Trung Nguyen, Willem Dafoe
Country: France, Switzerland, United States of America
Company: Fabula, Funny Balloons, Wild Bunch
Worldwide Gross: $70,851