388 Arletta Avenue
In this suspenseful thriller directed by Randall Cole, the story follows James and Amy, a couple whose lives are turned upside down when they become the target of a mysterious stalker. The film stars Nick Stahl and Mia Kirshner, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the psychological terror inflicted by their unseen tormentor. The narrative unfolds through a series of unsettling events captured on hidden cameras, creating an atmosphere of tension and paranoia. While the film did not receive any major awards, it stands out for its unique approach to storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Randall Cole
Actors: Aaron Abrams, Charlotte Sullivan, Daniel Lévesque, Devon Sawa, Gerry Dee, Graham Abbey, Krista Bridges, Martin Roach, Mia Kirshner, Nick Stahl
Country: Canada
Company: Copperheart Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $79,500