The Secret Garden
Set in 1947, this adaptation follows a young orphaned girl named Mary Lennox, who is sent to live with her uncle in a mysterious and isolated manor in the English countryside. As she explores her new surroundings, Mary discovers a hidden, neglected garden that holds the power to transform not only her own life but also the lives of those around her. The film stars Dixie Egerickx as Mary, alongside Colin Firth and Julie Walters, bringing depth to this enchanting tale. Directed by Marc Munden, the movie offers a visually stunning experience with its lush cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Marc Munden
Actors: Amir Wilson, Colin Firth, David Verrey, Dixie Egerickx, Edan Hayhurst, Isis Davis, Jemma Powell, Julie Walters, Maeve Dermody, Richard Hansell, Tommy Gene Surridge
Country: China, France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Heyday Films, StudioCanal, STX Films
Worldwide Gross: $8,721,243