2 Days in New York
In this 2012 comedy, Marion, played by Julie Delpy, navigates the chaos that ensues when her eccentric French family visits her in New York, where she lives with her boyfriend Mingus, portrayed by Chris Rock. The film humorously explores cultural clashes and relationship dynamics as Marion’s family disrupts their otherwise peaceful life. Directed by Julie Delpy, the movie showcases her talent both in front of and behind the camera. While it didn’t receive major awards, it offers a delightful blend of humor and heart. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Julie Delpy, Marie Pillet
Actors: Albert Delpy, Alexandre Nahon, Alexia Landeau, Chris Rock, Daniel Brühl, Dylan Baker, Julie Delpy, Kate Burton, Owen Shipman, Talen Ruth Riley
Country: Belgium, France, Germany
Company: Polaris Film Production & Finance, Senator Film Produktion, Tempête Sous un Crâne
Worldwide Gross: $4,058,113