In this intriguing thriller directed by Paul Currie, the story follows Dylan Branson, played by Michiel Huisman, an air traffic controller whose life is thrown into chaos when he narrowly averts a mid-air collision. This event triggers a series of mysterious occurrences that seem to repeat every day at exactly 2:22 PM, leading him to uncover a complex pattern that connects him to a woman named Sarah, portrayed by Teresa Palmer. As Dylan delves deeper into the mystery, he must unravel the truth behind these events before time runs out. The film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Paul Currie
Actors: John Waters, Kerry Armstrong, Maeve Dermody, Michiel Huisman, Mitchell Butel, Remy Hii, Richard Davies, Sam Reid, Simone Kessell, Teresa Palmer
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: 2929 Productions, Entertainment One, Ingenious Media
Worldwide Gross: $3,945,729