[16 ] Sausage Party
In this animated comedy, a group of anthropomorphic food items embarks on a journey to discover the truth about their existence and the fate that awaits them outside the supermarket. The film features the voices of stars like Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, and Jonah Hill, bringing a unique blend of humor and satire to the screen. Directed by Conrad Vernon, the movie is known for its bold and irreverent take on consumer culture and existential themes. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it gained attention for its adult-oriented humor and animation style. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Director: Conrad Vernon, Greg Tiernan
Actors: Alistair Abell, Anders Holm, Bill Hader, Brian Dobson, Conrad Vernon, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride, David Krumholtz, Edward Norton, Greg Tiernan, Harland Williams, Ian Hanlin, Ian James Corlett, Iris Apatow, James Franco, Jason Simpson, Jonah Hill, Karen E. Wright, Kelly Sheridan, Kristen Wiig, Lauren Miller, Maryke Hendrikse, Michael Cera, Michael Daingerfield, Michael Dobson, Nick Kroll, Nicole Oliver, Paul Rudd, Salma Hayek, Sam Vincent, Scott Underwood, Seth Rogen, Sugar Lyn Beard, Vincent Tong
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Annapurna Pictures, Bluebush Productions, Columbia Pictures, Nitrogen Studios Canada
Worldwide Gross: $140,705,322