10 Promises to My Dog
In this heartwarming Japanese drama directed by Katsuhide Motoki, a young girl named Akari forms a deep bond with her golden retriever, Socks, after her father brings the puppy home. The story unfolds over a decade, exploring the promises Akari makes to her beloved pet and how these commitments shape her life and relationships. The film stars Rena Tanaka and Mayuko Fukuda, who deliver touching performances that capture the essence of companionship and loyalty. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a poignant reflection on the responsibilities and joys of pet ownership. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Katsuhide Motoki
Actors: Akiko Aitsuki, Akira Fuse, Chizuru Ikewaki, Etsushi Toyokawa, Mayuko Fukuda, Pierre Taki, Reiko Takashima, Rena Tanaka, Ryo Kase, Shota Sato
Country: Japan
Company: dentsu, Eisei Gekijo, Mainichi Shinbunsha
Worldwide Gross: $15,332,225