In this intriguing sci-fi thriller directed by Dennis Iliadis, a group of college friends attends a wild party that takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious phenomenon causes time loops, leading to the appearance of their doppelgängers. As the night unfolds, the characters must confront their own insecurities and relationships while navigating the chaos of their duplicates. The film stars Rhys Wakefield, Logan Miller, and Ashley Hinshaw, who deliver compelling performances in this unique narrative. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the movie offers an engaging exploration of identity and consequence. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Dennis Iliadis
Actors: Adam David Thompson, Ashley Grace, Bernard D. Jones, Colleen Dengel, Logan Miller, Natalie Hall, Rhys Wakefield, Rohan Kymal, Ronald Ogden, Suzanne Dengel
Country: United States of America
Company: Process Films, Process Media